The Candytuft style is an updo held in place just below the crown with a leather hair and stick. There are loose pieces of hair spilling out of the up that down the neck to touch the shoulders and up the back of the band. The bangs are long and chunky crossing the left eye slightly as it curves back towards the ears. The hair brushes at the cheekbones with one strand falling in front of the ear.

The Candytuft style has a 5-color packs for L$200, packs of 25 colors for L$850, I Want Them All packs for L$3500 for 175 colors, and the demos are free. The colors included in the packs are: Dreams(baby blue platinum, black parika highlights, honey brunette highlights, lavender rose tips, strawberry tomato), Combo I(plum, black, chestnut, golden red, golden blonde), Combo II(bronze, brunette, sand, candy apple, peach), white tips(white with red, white with purple, white with blue, white with black, white), Confetti II(extreme pink tip, lemon tip, lime tip, metallic blue tip, teal tips), Spring White Tips(mint green tip, peach tip, periwinkle tip, robins egg tip, rose tip), Spring(mint green, peach, periwinkle, robins eggs, rose), Blue Tips(blueberry black tip, blueberry bright blue tip, blueberry white tip, blueberry, bright blue), Blue(baby blue, dodger blue, extreme blue, light steel, metallic blue), Pink Tips(baby blue pink tip, black pink tip, lavender pink tip, light pink, pink), Pinks II(barbie pink, bubblegum, cotton candy, extreme pink, lipstick), Purple Tips(grape black tip, grape purple tip, grape white tip, grape, heather), Purples(amethyst, dark lavender, eggplant, light plum, orchid), Lights(strawberry blonde, pale blonde, golden blonde, ash blonde, blonde), Bleached Blondes(), Dirty Blondes(), Blonde Light Tips(blonde with teal, blonde with pink, blonde with pale red, blonde with lavender, blonde with baby blue), Blonde Burnt Tips(blonde with red, blonde with light golden brown, blonde with golden red, blonde with chestnut, blonde with brunette), Auburns(cherrywood, cinnamon, dark mahogany, paprika, walnut), Burnt Auburns(burnt cherrywood, burnt cinnamon, burnt dark mahogany, burnt paprika, burnt walnut), Highlights(auburn highlights, brunette highlights, coffee bean highlights, mocha highlights, walnut highlights), Brunettes(light golden brown, golden brown, dark brown, chestnut, brunette), Brunettes II(), Blackened(blackened chestnut, blackened golden brown, blackened hazelnut, blackened mocha, blackened nutmeg), Dark Frosted Tips(golden brown, dark brown, chestnut, brunette, black), Darks(plum, midnight, black, black frost, black fire), Black Tips(black with white, black with red, black with purple, black with blue, black), Confetti(black extreme pink tip, black lemon tip, black lime tip, black metallic blue tip, black teal tip), Black Frosted(black frosted blonde, black frosted ginger, black frosted platinum, black frosted strawberry, black frosted wheat), Reds(pale red, mahogany, golden red, fire red, copper), Flambe(blazing cherry, candy apple, deep pumpkin, fruit punch, tomato), Blackened Reds(blackened copper, blackened deep pumpkin, blackened fire, blackened golden red, blackened tomato), Red Frosted Tips(red with mahogany, red with golden red, red with fire, red with copper, red with black fire), extremes(purple, pink, magenta, green, blue).
Skin: MM Skins - Fair SkinGloss Smokey, Clothes: SYD - Calla Fairy V-Neck
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