Thursday, February 1, 2007

Gurl 6 Hair - Lemonade

Gurl 6 Hair is great about offering inexpensive hair deals. There is a wall of newbie hair that costs just $1L per color pack in a given style. The hair offered is not some cheapy style but amazing styles that are just as good as the rest of the hair offered in the shop.

The Lemonade style is a short, choppy flip with two hair volume columns arcing from the hairline around the crown of the head. The bangs are are short and curled under in a style that is similar to Bettie Page bangs. The hair frames the ears on the side so it is easy to fit. This style is one of my personal favorites and you cannot beat the price.

The Lemonade style costs L$1 fir a four color pack which come in small, medium and large. The colors included are: The color packs include: dazzle(shimmery red, peachy, ginger, copper), delicate(straw, gold, cream, blonded), sugar(vicious pink, raspberry lemonade, electric candy, cotton candy), seduction(toast, light brown, elektra, dark brown), dipped(pink dipped blonde, pink dipped black, dipped strawberry, black dipped blonde), drama(milk, black white, black red, black gloss), hotstuff(tangerine, strawberry, sexy red, natural red), sunshine(light blondish gold, light blonde, golden blonde, creamy blonde), dirties(honey, dirty blonde, black n gold, black light brown), sultry(hazelnut, golden brown, chestnut, caramel), platinum(platinum red, platinum pink, platinum black, platinum), midnight(rebel, dirtier white, black cherry, black), berries(seduction plum, deeper purple, blueberry, blue), diva(toffee, sand, cocoa, chocolate), candy(black with blonde tips, black silver, black purple, black blue).

Skin: PanJen - Hope Tone 1, Clothes: LaynieWear - Red Harlot Graphic T-Shirt, Tattoos: LaynieWear - Henna Tattoo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally cute!