Saturday, June 21, 2008

Analog Dog - Tesa

Today's style is from Analog Dog.

The Tesa style is a dual ponytail style with long, curly ponies. The ponies rest high behind the ears and fall down the sides in long spiraling curls to the waist. The face is framed by the same spirals that part in the middle and fall down either side of the face to the chest.

The Tesaa style costs $350L for each color set and the demos are $1L. The colors include: dark(black, brown sugar, brunette, copper), medium(chestnut, dirty blonde, honey, sun), light(ash, bleached, blonde, platinum), splash(aqua, blue, green, grey, light grey, pink, purple, red, sky, white).

Pose: AnimaH or LAP(can't remember), Skin: SYD - Cornsilk Makeup01, Clothes: Haven Designs - Tattered Tan & Red, Eyes: Gurl 6 - Silver by PopFuzz, Lashes: Cake - Bedroom Lashes

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