Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gurl 6 - Iris2

Teagan Blackthorne is on vacation. This blog was set up before she left.

Today's style is from Gurl 6.

The Iris2 style is a long, straight style that falls to the small of the back. The hair in front is parted on the right with the hair edging the corners of the eyes giving the face an almost veiled look. The ends of the front strands curl under just below the chin.

The Iris2 style costs $195L per color pack which comes with 4 colors in small, medium and large, $999L for the everything pack in small, medium, and large, and $1L for the demo. The color packs include: dazzle(shimmeryred, peachy, copper, ginger), delicate(straw, gold, cream, blonded), sugar(vicious pink, raspberry lemonade, electric candy, cotton candy), seduction(toast, light brown, elektra, dark brown), dipped(pink dipped blonde, pink dipped black, dipped strawberry, black dipped blonde), drama(milk, blackwhite, blackred, blackgloss), hotstuff(tangerine, strawberry, sexy red, natural red), sunshine(light blondish gold, light blonde, golden blonde, creamy blonde), dirties(honey, dirty blonde, black n gold, black light brown), sultry(caramel, chestnut, hazelnut, goldenbrown), platinum(platinum, platinumred, platinumpink, platinumblack), midnight(rebel, dirtier white, black cherry, black), berries(seducationplum, deeperpurple, blueberry, blue), diva(toffee, sand, cocoa, chocolate), candy(blackwblondetips, blacksilver, blackblue, blackpurple).

Pose: AnimaH - Jera - Fist, Skin: Tuli - Emily [light/1] ~ coal (freckled) [brows 1], , Clothes: Dutch Touch - Lace Halter Top, Eyes: Gurl 6 - Silver by PopFuzz, Lashes: Cake - Bedroom Lashes

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