The Pet Me style is a long, wavy ponytail that falls from just below the crown to the tops of the thighs. The ponytail itself is flexi and swishes with each movement. The face is framed with wispy bangs that fall in the eyes in soft layers. There is a black headband holding back the rest of the hair from the face. The piece behind the hair fall to touch the shoulder on the left and curl onto the face on the right.

The Pet Me style costs $995L for a fat pack, $195L for a 3-color pack, and the demos are $1L. The colors include: whites(snow white, pearl, cream), blondes(platinum, light blonde, blonde), dark blondes(golden blonde, faded blonde, dark blonde), strawberries(strawberry blonde, reddish brown, dark strawberry blonde), golds(orange, light golden brown, golden), browns(light brown, faded brown, brown), dark browns(dark olive, dark golden brown, dark brown), golden browns(light cocoa, golden brown, cocoa), auburns(fiery red, dark auburn, auburn), almost blacks(dark wine, blue ash, blackish brown), grays(silver, off black, charcoal), blacks(jet black, black, almost black), traffic light(yellow, red, green), wild berries(violet, fuchsia, blue), cotton candy(teal candy, pink candy, blue candy).
Skin: Gala - Pale Sultry Lustrebeam, Clothes: SYD - Little Miss Trouble V-Neck, TorridWear - Worn Out Capris
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