Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hair Theft.....*sighs* Again!

We all need to get together and take a stand. Nothing seems to be happening regarding all this recent prim for prim theft of hair recently. The only updates on the theft reported last week is that the thief has no remorse and feels the designers should be flattered that she chose to steal from them. Schmu Abdallah has the support of her friends and partners who believe she is doing no wrong: Jaxon Warf, Jaxon Wildcat, Tuit Timtam, and Bell Innis. Right now all we can do it ban them from our various sims. (Yes, I know they can make alts but this is the only proactive step that Linden Labs has placed in our hands).

On to the latest, I get a Yahoo message from Laynie Link to go look at an ad on SLB. For sale we find stolen copies of Calico Creation's Amy for sale by Augustus Flannery. A search of both SLB and SLX turns up sales of the stolen hair mentioned last week and this newest theft. He claims he got it as a business in a box but he is the only person selling anything by Calico Ingmann. Calico asked for her items to be removed but Augustus has thus far refused. Update: The items are down from the shop and SLX but not from SLB.

Laynie Link wearing Amy a few months ago at a fashion show:

Calico Creation's ad:

The thief's display:

It is sad that right now the only course of action that the victims can take it to file the long process of DMCA. In the real world, if someone steals from another they get immediate attention to the situation. Designers are fighting back by making these items $1L or free at their shops but they should not have to resort to this.

The stealing and copying of designer's creations is getting out of hand. Add the above with the recent theft of shoe designs and you have quite a list of thieves.

Update: There user on SLX has finally removed the hair from their box for sale.


Whatsername again....? said...


sachi Vixen set up a board for us designers called Design Voice:


i think it will make a difference...we have GOT to be heard..this is complete and utter bull. This has REALLY got to stop.

-Wednesday Soon

Sasy Scarborough said...

I'm realy sorry this has happened to Calico too bah and Yay Sachi and everyone else that has been so wonderful contacting people to let them know about theft and such

Laynie said...

Sasy- I figure we have to stick together, you know?