Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bewtiched Hair - Nymph

Today's style is from Bewitched at their newest location on Lemon Island.

The Nymph style medium-length, curly style that flows down just past the shoulder blades. Hair pieces from the front and braided around the head with flower and ribbons to form a crown-effect. The hair is parted down the middle with curled under Bettie bangs across the brow. This hair is aptly named working well with with fairy costumes and gowns.

The Nymph style costs $1300L for a 29-color everything pack, $195L for a 4-color or 6-color pack, and the demos are $1L. The colors include: subdued(auburn, blonde, nugget, sunny), ribbon(bell, candy, fuchia, straw), iced(faded, light blue, silver, sky), hawt(mahogany, mesquite, natural red, strawberry), anime(candy apple, light purple, melon, sea), smackers(bell, candy apple, dark brown, strawberry), naturals(natural red, brown, blonde, black), in your face(dark purple, dark blue, pink, green), bewitched favs(black, gold, medium blue, medium purple), and customer favs(black, blonde, candy apple, gold, natural red, strawberry).

Skin: Gala - Pale Sultry Lustrebeam, Clothes: Rose Petal Creations - Fall Frolic

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