Monday, March 5, 2007

Playful Kitten - Cyber Kitten

Playful Kitten is located on Temenos Island. Watch out for the bridge over the lava. I fell off it. Ouch! The first floor of the shop where the Playful Kitten styles are located is a bit difficult to maneuver around. If you can, go immediately to the second floor which is much easy to get around. Be sure to check out the display with the flags because it offeres instructions on how to adjust your hair in several languages: English, Japanese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish. This is a great place to bring your newbie friends for advice.

The Cyber Kitten style is a long, straight style with two high ponytails on either side of the head and falls past the shoulder blades in the back. The ponytails are held in play by think, tubular hair ties. The face is framed with long chunks that fall well past the chin. Many of the hair textures here are fun and playful having a frosted or burnt version of the main colors.

The Cyber Kitten style costs L$780 for a fat pack, L$195 for a 4-color pack, and L$1 for the demos. The colors included are: white pack(white, white burnt, silver, silver burnt), black pack(black, black frost, white, white burnt), blonde pack(blonde, blonde burtn, platinum, platinum burnt), brown pack(brown, dark brown, brown frost, brown burnt), red pack(crimson, crimson burnt, red, red burnt), neon pack(violet burnt, blue burnt, pink burnt, green burnt).

Skin: S}{E - Pouty Babe 1 Pale, Clothes: Szentasha Fashions - Prohibited Red Catsuit


Laynie said...

Awwww, you didn't wear your ears for this one!

Teagan Blackthorne said...

The hair is the ears. ;P