Monday, February 19, 2007

UFonly HQ - Mana Elegance

UFonly HQ is a small shop located inside Bare Rose HQ. This shop sells hair for men and women. They also sell apparel, skins, and weapons.

The Mana Elegance style is a curly style that falls to the shoulders except for two small ponytails at the sides. The bangs are straight cut about halfway up the forehead. Issues, issues, issues. Issue 1: This hair attaches to your chin and is a real pain in the but to change to skull. Issue 2: The little fans that are attached on either side do not appear in the ad or the demo so it is a surprise when you put on the full version. Issue 3: Actually, there is no issue 3, I thought those first two were enough.

The Mana Elegance style is marked for L$50 but currently sells for L$30 and the demo is free. There is only one color for this style: black.

Skin: PanJen - Hope Tone 1, Clothes: SYD: Shape Your Destiny - Olive Oyl V-Neck


Laynie said...

Are the fans detachable? The hair is cute cute, but I don't get the fans.

Teagan Blackthorne said...

Well, not really. You would have to edit them out yourself.