Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Here Comes Trouble - Beanie

Today's style is from Here Comes Trouble.

The Beanie style is a short, straight style that reaches the bottom of the neck and is topped with a color-changing knit cap. Choppy pieces fall into the face in the front at different lengths with some chunks falling over to cover the eyes. This style is definitely for the scruffier guy who likes to just chill.

The Beanie style costs $50L for the fat pack. The colors included are: auburn, black, brown, burnt, chestnut, chocolate, cocoa, darkness, dirty, dark pink, fire, golden, green, grunge, honey, iced, killer, orange, platinum, purple, rad, raven, red, sandy, smurf, sophisticated, teal, black-purple tipped, black-red tipped, black-blue tipped, green-black tipped, orange-black tipped, purple-black tipped, teal-black tipped, brown-auburn tipped, brown-platinum tipped, platinum-black tipped, sandy-blue tipped, white-black tipped, toxic, vamped, white, wicked, zen.

Skin: Nora Male Skin, Clothes: SYD - Badger Graphic T-shirt

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