Today's style is from Sanctum Hair
The Talyn style is a long, braided style with the braid falling down from a twice banded bun. The braid curls around and over the left shoulder, banded in place at below the shoulders, and falls down to the waist. The hair in front is parted in the middles with soft, curly wisps framing the face. Small, dangling ornaments fall from either side of the style above the ears.
The Talyn style costs $2700L for a fatpack, $200L per 3-color, 4-color, 5-color, & 6-color packs, and the demos are $1L. You can further expand your hair with a 150-color HUD for $600L or a 125,000-color HUD for $900L. The colors(without the HUD) include: ash blond, sun gold, sunshine blond, ashen brown, chocolate, pecan brown, carrot, copper, strawberry blond, silver, silver black, silver white, ash black, ash pink, ash purple, ash green, ash teal, chocolate black, chocolate white, ashen black, ashen white, pecan black, pecan white, strawberry black, strawberry white, copper black, copper white, carrot black, carrot white, black, black white, black silver, white, white black, black teal, black purple, black green, black pink, white pink, white teal, white purple, white green, pink, pink white, pink black, purple, purple white, purple black, teal, teal white, teal black, green, green white, green black, marionberry, marionberry white, marionberry silver, marionberry black, raspberr, raspberry white, raspberry silver, raspberry black, blueberry, blueberry white, blueberry silver, blueberry black, grass, grass white, grass silver, grass black.
Pose: LAP - M In Pockets, Skin: D-Skin - 31_E0_F0_L2, Clothes: Haven Designs - Qualsha Purple, Jewelry: CC Enterprises - Kitty Wedding Ring, Eyes: Gurl 6 - Silver by PopFuzz, Lashes: Cake - Bedroom Lashes
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