Friday, June 15, 2007

Deviant Kitties - Sid

Today's style is from Deviant Kitties.

The Sid style are two mid-height ponytails that point out and back from the head. Each pony is almost a right triangle of thick hair that tapers at the ends. The face is framed with long, choppy bangs that are parted left of center and held in place with a duo-barrette on the left side. Just behind the bangs, the head is wrapped with a striped scarf that goes around and under the ponies in the back. This style worked really well for me when I was wearing LaynieWear's new pirate line.

The Sid style runs L$2200 for a value pack, L$175 per color and the demos are free. The colors include: black, black blonde, black teal, black green, black red, black white, black pink, black purple, midnight, black blue, white black, white, white blue, white green, white red, white blonde, white pink, white purple, white teal, fire, blonde, blonde black, blonde green, blonde blue, blonde red, blonde teal, blonde pink, blonde purple, cherry brown, honey brown, purple taffy, purple, blue, green, gum, pink, brown blonde, deep brown, brown frost, brown, pink taffy, blue taffy, red black, red, teal, red blonde, orange, smoulder, blonde punk, black punk.

Skin: Gala - Pale Sultry Lustrebeam, Clothes: LaynieWear - Katerine Orange

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