Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wilted Rose - Frazzled

Today's style is from Wilted Rose.

The Frazzled style is a thick bun that is gathered at the crown in a mass of short curls. The bun is held in place by a thick, color changing ribbon. There are a few wisps on the face near the ears and the hairline is nearly done. This style would look much better without to two-tone.

Guest model: Ysatis Dean

The Frazzled style costs L$700 for a full color pack, L$150 for a 3-color pack and the demo is free. The colors include: blonde 1, blonde 2, blonde 3, brown 1, brown 2, brown 3, black, black blue, black green, black pink, black purple, black red, black white, blonde pink, blue, blue black, blue blue, metallic blue, metallic green, metallic gunmetal, metallic hot pink, metallic light pink, metallic orange, metallic purple, metallic red, metallic yellow, pink, pink black, pink pink, purple, purple black, purple purple, red 1, red 2, red 3, sour grapes, white, white black, white red.

Skin: PanJen - Temptation Tone 1, Clothes: SYD: Shape Your Destiny - Strawberry Shortcake V-Neck T-Shirt, Tattoos: LaynieWear - Henna Tattoo

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